At Hidden Springs dental we offer a variety of treatment options to meet the needs of your entire family.
kids dentistry
- exams - cleanings - fillings -
- appliances -
cosmetic dentistry
- veneers - teeth whitening - esthetic bonding - crowns & bridges -
- itero element digital scanner -
- cerec same day crowns -
general dentistry
- fillings - tooth extractions - Wisdom teeth - crowns & bridges - root canals - dentures - oral cancer screenings - dental implants - sleep apnea - snore guards- Digital x-Rays - digital impressions -
- invisalign - appliances - Digital Impressions -
Sedation dentistry
Sedation dentistry is dentistry done with a calming aid. This can be nitrous gas, an oral pill or IV conscious sedation. With sedation dentistry, a patient is not put to sleep, but rather put in a calming state that feels like sleep.
Hidden Springs Dental
General and cosmetic dentistry